course »Introduction to Infant-Parent Mental Health: Core Beliefs, Practices and Tools – Part 1 of 3

Date: 3/15/2016, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
County: Solano County
CEUs: 3
Location: Fairfield
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
3 Dates: 3/15, 4/5, 5/3

Session 1 – Core Beliefs and Practices: This training will provide an overview to the field of Infant-Parent Mental Health. It is designed for community services providers of all levels who serve children 0-5 and their families (e.g., peer advocates, early care workers, nurses, case managers, clinicians). Participants will be given an overview of core beliefs and practices, including history of the field, common services, data on why the early years matters, and a brief introduction to Reflective Practice. Special emphasis will be given to abuse prevention and families involved in the foster care system.

  1. to obtain initial exposure to the beliefs and practices of the field of Infant Mental Health
  2. to develop a common understanding of Reflective Practice and how it relates to Infant Mental Health
  3. to deepen understanding of data about why the early years matter
  4. to improve skills for screening and referring to Infant Mental Health Services
Sesssion 2 – Infant Cues, Communication, and Regulation: This training will introduce participants to tools and activities to promote infant-parent communication and regulation. It is designed for community service providers of all levels who serve children 0-5 and their families (e.g., peer advocates, early care workers, nurses, case managers, clinicians). Through both didactic and interactive activities, participants will learn about infant states of arousal, non-verbal communication, and strategies for assessing and supporting regulation. Special emphasis will be given to abuse prevention and families involved in the foster care system.

  1. to learn about infant states of arousal
  2. to become familiar with infant cues and communication
  3. to develop strategies for supporting infant-parent regulation
  4. to obtain initial exposure to clinical tools for evaluating and promoting infant-parent communication and regulation
Session 3 – Clinical Tools and Resources: This training will provide an overview of tools for screening, assessment, and diagnosis commonly used in the field of Infant-Parent Mental Health. This session is geared specifically for master’s level providers (e.g., clinicians, supervisors) but may also be appropriate for other service providers who have significant experience serving children 0-5 and their families (e.g., peer advocates, early care workers, case managers, etc.). Participants will be introduced to a variety of tools and frameworks for assessing the quality of children’s relationships, as well as an overview of intervention methods. Special emphasis will be given to abuse prevention and families involved in the foster care system.

  1. to become familiar with a range of screening, assessment, and diagnostic tools
  2. to practice application of these tools using videos and case examples
  3. to gain exposure to and practice using the DC:0-3R for diagnosis
  4. to deepen understanding of intervention models