Date: 4/6/2018, 9:30 am—1:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 3.25
Location: San Leandro
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
National survey data show that in 2013 seventy-five percent of high school students had used addictive substances including cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. Research has also shown that the earlier youth start using substances, the more likely they’ll develop substance use disorders as they mature. As mental health providers we need to assess our clients’ substance use. And yet, honest, open conversations about this topic can be challenging. Many teenagers do not volunteer this information and helping professionals may be unsure how to address it. This course will provide information on the risks associated with substance use in adolescents, as well as an overview of assessment with adolescents and caregivers. New laws and regulations related to marijuana use will be covered. Ideas for ways to approach substance use conversations with adolescents and their families will be discussed. An overview of treatment approaches and levels of care for substance use in adolescents will be provided. Finally referral options and resources will be discussed. Vignettes and small group discussions will be used to help participants engage with the material.