course »How to Promote Social and Emotional Intelligence with Youth – 4 BBS CEUs

, 9:00 am—1:00 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Did you know that some researchers believe that our success in work and life is driven far more by our emotional intelligence (EQ) than by our cognitive intelligence (IQ)? This training will introduce you to the concepts of Social & Emotional Intelligence. You will develop and understanding of the core competencies and how to increase them within yourself and help your clients strengthen their own Social & Emotional Intelligence. Participants will:
  1. Understand Social & Emotional Intelligence, and why it is beneficial
  2. Become familiar with the 26 competencies related to Social & Emotional Intelligence
  3. Learn tools to strengthen some of the key competencies
  4. Apply Social & Emotional Intelligence concepts into to working with youth, in order to support youth in their healthy development