Date: 5/31/2018, 9:00 am—1:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 3.25
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
High Functioning Autism is not a formal medical diagnosis. However it is used informally to reference a subset of people diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder who do not have obvious challenges with language, writing, reading, or many aspects of daily functioning. High functioning autism can be difficult to differentiate from other child and adolescent diagnoses- especially in youth who have experienced trauma or had multiple attachment disruptions. Some studies also suggest autism is also underdiagnosed in children and teens of color. This workshop will help participants recognize symptoms that are indicative of high functioning autism, and discuss common early misdiagnoses in youth who are later diagnosed with autism. As they age, many youth with high functioning autism come to the attention of providers because they have difficulty with social interactions and relationships. This training will examine specific social skills teaching approaches that are known to have greater success with children and youth with high functioning autism spectrum disorders.