, 9:30 am—4:30 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Website: http://www.senecacenter.org
The first module, Fundamentals for Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Care, is a training that will provide an overview of these themes and is a pre-requisite for subsequent modules. We ask that attendees of this training agree to attend at least one of the other 2-hour modules in the series (dates TBD):
- Cissexism, Cisgenderism, & Sexism: Understanding the Needs of Transgender, Intersex, and Gender-Non-Conforming Youth in Care
- Beyond the Ally Sticker: Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQI2S Youth in Care
- Staying Healthy as a Helper: Recognizing, Overcoming, and Avoiding Vicarious Trauma When Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Care
- Let’s Talk About Sex: Comprehensive Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Sex Education for All Youth
- Heterosexism and Faith: Exploring the Unique Concerns and Possibilities of Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Faith Based Communities