Date: 3/14/2017, 8:45 am—12:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 2.75
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Parenting is tough, period. When you add the cultural differences between parents, or the challenges of raising children in a culture different than the family of origin’s, parenting challenges get doubled (optimistically speaking)! In addition to that, families we work with are usually involved with several systems, such as schools, juvenile justice, and child welfare, which all bring their own cultures into the mix. Last but not least, our own culture that we filter information through affects our work whether we like it or not. However, when we are able to identify how our own (or our parents’) culture of origin is shaping our lenses we see the world, understand our cultural differences with our clients or with the community we function in, we create an atmosphere for understanding and compromises, which are the essential components of effective work (and relationships in general).
In this workshop, we are going to open a dialog about our own “unwritten and unspoken” rules about culture, in relationship to parenting practices. In a supportive environment, we are going to take a look at where our values come from, how they shape us, affect our work, and gain a deeper understanding on how cultural differences may show up in all relationships, symptoms, and behaviors. In addition, we are going to take a look at issues related to multicultural children, such as how bicultural kids shape their identities, and how to help them along the process.
Please bring your open minds and open hearts with you!