course »Effectively Supporting LGPQ-TI2S and Gender Non-Conforming Clients & Colleagues in the Child Welfare System

Date: 11/20/2019, 9:15 am—12:15 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 3
Location: eBerkeley
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
This course aims to offer a space to reflect, learn, inquire, and be. This course will introduce and/or review terminology in order to generate a shared language related to gender, sexuality, identity development, and diversity. This course will cover concepts including but not limited to: LGBTQI2S, the gender binary, transgender, queer, two spirit, intersex, sexual orientation, gender pronouns, heterosexism, and transmisogyny. Along with the definitions, the histories, sociopolitical implications, distinctions, and interwoven connections of relevant language will be explored. This course will offer self-reflection exercises related to gender and other forms of identity development, as well as models of communication to utilize when assessing, discussing, or documenting identity-related matters with clients, colleagues, and yourself.

This course aims to build a foundation for ongoing reflection, collaboration, and advocacy, and will include a multidisciplinary resource list of local and national organizations for further exploration. Throughout the session, intersectionality, oppression, privilege, and power will be assessed and explored. This training is offered by a white, transgender, non-binary social worker, and will utilize video and audio clips of individuals and communities who embody a range of identities so the group may honor and learn from diverse experiences. This training will include a PowerPoint presentation, printed copies of slides, short video clips with audio, individual reflective thought- or writing-based exercises, small-group discussion, and large-group volunteer share-out opportunities.