course »“Don’t Step on a Crack!”–Sexual Boundary Violations, Facts, Falsehoods, and Mistakes for Child Welfare Professionals

Date: 2/1/2019, 9:15 am—1:15 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 4
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
Clinician beware! With a compassionate approach, this interactive introductory seminar provides an opportunity for participants to learn, deepen knowledge, and receive facts about our mental health profession and sexual boundary violations, without moralizing or sentimentality. Participants will be provided information on recent research and helpful guidance to clarify any misconceptions or misunderstandings on the subject within a positive and supportive environment. Ethically, we vow “to do no harm” as we provide mental health services to adults and children. Become more mindful of acknowledging our patients/clients’, as well as clinicians’ vulnerability within the transference/counter-transference scenarios in our relationships where transgressions do occur. Therapy replicates early childhood with all of the vulnerabilities. Further, learn about noted prevention methods and participate in the opportunity to take a paper/pencil Boundary Violation Vulnerability Index self-assessment. Our objective is to provide awareness and prevention methods and to eliminate the potential for “crossed-lines.” We will review/discuss examples of transference/counter-transference scenarios in relationships (in therapy, supervision, or academia) where a sexual boundary violation occurs and review and clarify the power imbalance in each context. The workshop is multi-media and will incorporate findings from published empirical research studies on prevalence, precursors, risk factors and prevention. The information provided is pertinent and relevant for child welfare/probation systems, consumers, and the full spectrum of mental health practitioners who may be potential victims or involved in inadvertent betrayals.