course »Conflict, Repair and Resolution

Date: 10/11/2016, 9:00 am—4:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 6
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
It is essential that children in their personal and educational lives and adults in their personal and professional lives learn how to repair and resolve conflicts that occur in relationships with other human beings. This is a skill that lies at the foundation of being social and human. The inability to repair human relationships lies at root of many human problems.

Workshop participants will learn how to:
  • Challenge and confront individuals in ways that properly address disagreements, confusions, conflicts and injuries. Participants will be taught how to do this in ways that reduce the possibility of alienating, shut downing and injuring other people, thus, improving their chances of repairing, reconciling and becoming more intimately connected to other people.
  • Communicate in a direct, honest and fair manner.
  • Set appropriate boundaries and limits
  • Remain mindful and present throughout the entire process of interpersonal negotiation.
  • Acknowledge the truth of another’s observations and point of view, while not agreeing what is untrue in these observations.