Date: 5/16/2017, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 3
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Lincoln
Phone: 510-273-4700, ext. 4331
In this survey course, attendees will learn briefly about some of the history, cultural influences, diversity and experiences of Asian Americans. Using this as core, foundational reference attendees will review the multiple issues and concepts related to the psychology of Asian individuals, families and communities. Cultural competence and responsiveness in working with Asian Americans means not only understanding others, but also understanding ourselves and the communities around us. Cultural competency, cultural responsiveness and cultural humility have become imperatives in clinical and service practices in working with Asian American individuals, families and groups. Core issues such as intra-Asian diversity, the role of family, immigrant versus refugee status, acculturation, acculturation, culture shock, generational influences, the “model minority” myth, racism and discrimination as they impact Asian identity will be discussed. Recommendations from nationally recognized mental health experts as well as evidence-based practices, practice based evidence and effective practices will be discussed.