course »Art and Stories for Resilience and Restoration in Relationships with System-Involved Children, Youth and Families

Date: 4/12/2019, 9:15 am—4:15 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 6
Location: eBerkeley
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
The stories that we are told and the stories that we tell ourselves frame our experience of life. Trauma impacts perception and disrupts narrative sequencing. Creative process helps integrate brain functioning, improving adaptive response.

Come learn and experience ways to integrate visual art and storytelling in relationships with children, youth and families who are system-involved. We’ll make art and tell stories, both indoors and outside. We’ll explore visual mapping activities and talk about how they can support the brain’s executive functions. We will help ourselves become more regulated, grounded and centered through movement, breathing and mindful awareness.

Visual case examples and lecture integrate years of clinical and personal experience, neurobiology & research.

**Participants can utilize skills learned in the training by:
  1. Participants will be able to offer art activities to increase ability to productively sequence actions.
  2. Participants will be able to encourage children, youth and families to tell stories that build resilience and contribute to restoration.