course »ADHD, ODD and Conduct Disorder for Care Providers who Work with System Involved Children, Youth and Families

Date: 4/8/2016, 1:00 pm—4:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 3
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Conduct Disorder are disproportionately represented in children and youth involved with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. This course provides participants with an initial overview of mental health issues in adolescences with a focus on ADHD and behavior disorders. The criteria, background information, and causes for each of these disorders are provided. These diagnoses are presented along a spectrum with ADHD presenting with neutral behaviors (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity), ODD with negative behaviors (defiance), and Conduct Disorder with delinquent behavior. Youth who have these diagnoses frequently have co-existing issues including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, low self esteem and poor social skills. Individual cases of youth with these issues are discussed. Treatment approaches for working effectively with youth who have ADHD and behavior disorders are reviewed including developing the relationship, providing structured programs, building self esteem, anger management, and other cognitive and behavioral approaches. The use of psychotropic medications is also reviewed including psychostimulants (ADHD), antidepressants (all disorders) and antipsychotics (behavior disorders). The benefits, side effects, and controversies surrounding the use of these medications with youth are reviewed.

  1. To review with participants information about the origins of mental illness and incidence of mental disorders in adolescence.
  2. To increase participant knowledge of ADHD, ODD and Conduct Disorder including the criteria for diagnoses, causes, and co-existing mental health issues.
  3. To increase participant skills for working with youth who have ADHS, ODD and Conduct Disorder by reviewing specific treatment guidelines and approaches.
  4. To increase participant knowledge of the benefits and risks of using psychotropic medications in the treatment of youth with ADHD, ODD and Conduct Disorder.