Date: 1/28/2016, 9:00 am—4:30 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 25 BBS
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Following the training participants will understand the 3 major diagnostic features of autism, have a basic understanding that research supports the use of ABA-based procedures, and understand what evidence-based practice is and why it is important. Participants will be able to utilize the principles of ABA to increase appropriate behavior while decreasing inappropriate behavior both in the classroom and at home. In addition, participants will understand some of the variable which maintain inappropriate behavior, have practiced identifying these functions of behavior and will have learned how to respond in order to remove any reinforcing responses which might increase the likelihood of the behavior in the future. In this training, the group will practice filling out ABC logs, will generate examples of positive and negative reinforcement procedures, will generate examples of positive and negative punishments procedures, and will play the “Shaping Game” to illustrate the importance of timing when delivering reinforcement and to make clear the necessity for utilizing errorless teaching. Lastly, participants will understand how to use various motivational systems to increase on-task behavior in the classroom and at home. Participants will:
- Gain a better understanding of autism and evidence-based practice.
- Learn the core principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, and understand various ways in which these can be utilized in the school, community and home settings.
- Gain an understanding of both formal and informal assessments including Functional Behavior Assessments and Functional Analyses.
- Learn different types of data collection systems and will practice analyzing trends in data to guide their teaching practices.