Arts & Activities

Trainings offered cover the importance of art and activities for youth as well as how to design engaging and therapeutic activities.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Behavioral Strategies

These trainings address the importance of using behavioral modification techniques such as positive reinforcement to help a child change their behaviors to those that are more conducive to healthy relationships with adults and peers.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Child Development

Trainings include topics such as an overview of the stages of child development to the importance of understanding a child’s actual age versus their developmental age, and why that distinction is important in caring for children.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Cultural Awareness

Includes trainings that cover cultural awareness, including unconscious bias, cultural humility, cultural competence and working with certain populations.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Family Issues

Topics include how to locate potential permanent family members (Family Finding) as well as how to engage and include family members in a child’s life.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

For Caregivers

Caregiver trainings.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Health & Safety

Includes trainings on best practices for insuring children are healthy, safe and receiving the medical care they need.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

On Demand

On Demand indicates online prerecorded classes that are available on demand any time.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc


These trainings include topics that are not listed in any other categories.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Trauma Impact

These trainings address the impact that trauma has had on the lives of children in our care and how we can help them begin to heal from the trauma they’ve experienced.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 1] –

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

ACT: An Adoption and Permanency Curriculum for Service Providers Working with Youth [Day – 2]

The Alameda ACT 2024 series will be provided ONLINE via Zoom. At the time you register, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please be sure to include your email address when you register so that we can email the Zoom link and any training materials to you prior to the training. The email with the Zoom link, instructions, and training materials will be sent to you at least one day prior to the training days.

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 44 CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Addressing Racial Bias in School Systems: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Equitable Learning Environments

This course provides an overview of racial bias within school systems and ways to address it. Participants will gain an understanding of what racial bias is, how it manifests in schools, and its impact on students. They will also learn strategies for addressing racial bias in school systems and advancing racial equity. The workshop will emphasize the importance of cultural competence trainings for educators. Overall, professionals working with system-involved youth will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address racial bias within their school systems and create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, […]

9/24/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Addressing School Refusal-Strategies for Supporting At-Risk and System Involved Youth Returning to School

This training is designed to provide those who support system involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of school refusal among students. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of school refusal, learn to identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support students in returning to school. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system involved youth exhibiting school refusal.

9/10/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Advanced CSEC: Commercially Sexually Exploited Children 102 (Part II)

During this session participants will explore the common dynamics when serving and supporting commercially exploited youth and how these dynamics impact the work and the providers. participants will also engage in discussions on how the trauma of exploitation impacts the behavior, health, help-seeking, general engagement, and healing of youth who have been exploited. Register Here

9/13/2024 8:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Advocating for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Healthcare Settings

For individuals who have experienced trauma, healthcare settings can be intimidating and even triggering. It’s important to learn how to support and advocate for trauma survivors to ensure they stay on top of their health. This training will provide participants with strategies to support trauma survivors at medical appointments and dentist appointments. Register Here

9/16/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

All Brains are Beautiful

This training will equip attendees with foundational knowledge about how to best understand and support children with ADHD, autism & other learning differences. Register Here

9/9/2024 9:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Anger Management for Staff Working with Youth

This 4.5 hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults who experience anger toward youth and families with self-help tools and techniques when participating in trauma-informed work.

9/19/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEUs Seneca Family of Agencies

Applying Harm Reduction with Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth

Harm reduction has been identified as a best practice when working with commercially sexually exploited youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of harm reduction as well as strategies to apply harm reduction to system-involved youth engaged in the commercial sex industry. Prior training on commercial sexual exploitation is highly recommended. Register Here

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

BBS- Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 1)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS- HIV/AIDS Overview in Work with System Involved Youth And Families

This course will be a comprehensive workshop for providers about positive youth sexuality. Topics covered include anatomy, terminology and slang, gender 101, working with clients who are abuse survivors, cultural competency for working with LGBTQQI2S – identified young people, youth pregnancy, and teaching and modeling healthy boundaries and communication.

9/18/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Demystifying Drugs and Alcohol: How to Recognize Addiction in Youth and their Caregivers (Day 2)

This 2-day 15-hour in-depth pre-licensure class on the assessment and treatment of substance-related disorders was developed for ASWs, AMFTs, and APCCs. It is also appropriate for any other staff members who want simply to learn more about this issue. Topics covered include: drugs and their effects, current trends, screening and assessment, warning signs, an overview of substance-related disorders as defined in the DSM-5, treatment strategies such as relapse prevention, harm reduction and motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, referral information and more. Attendees should leave this training with a solid basic understanding of how recognize and treat people with substance-related problems and how to differentiate them from people who use drugs […]

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7.5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

BBS-Suicide Assessment & Prevention (Day 1)

During this training, participants will review their roles in assessing and intervening to prevent suicide as defined by professional organizational ethics and legal statutes while in counseling or therapy sessions. They will also view current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics identifying demographic trends of suicide completion and exploring the most lethal methods of suicide attempts. Participants will learn to identify risk and protective factors for suicide as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). They will also be introduced to Thomas Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Joyce Chu’s Cultural Theory and Model of Suicide for Youth to better understand drivers for suicide.

9/19/2024 9:00 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 CAMFT & RN CE Credits Seneca Family of Agencies

Best Practices in Working with Translators and Interpreters with Spanish Speaking Families

There is a large need in California for serving monolingual Spanish Speaking LatinX families through service delivery. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough bilingual providers to meet the growing need. Therefore, it is imperative to build on our knowledge and skills in working with translators and interpreters in the field while remaining therapeutic and culturally responsive. In this workshop, we will review the best practices that the literature addresses when providing linguistically appropriate and culturally responsive services with the use of translators and interpreters.

9/25/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 East Bay Agency for Children

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/25/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Beyond the Basics Cultural Humility & The Power of Relationships- SPANISH

This training will focus on participants understanding the role of culture in society and the reasons for the development of different cultural values, patterns, and behavior in response to society’s demands. Participants will learn how cultural diversity is appropriate and logical in response to needs, i.e. that individuals are never “just different”. Participants will understand that it is not possible for a person to understand all cultures, nor is it necessary. Trainers will emphasize the need to be humble and accepting of what they learn of another culture. Participants will continue to discuss the roles that pre-prejudice, prejudice, bigotry, and racism play psycho-dynamically as well as developmentally will help participants […]

9/27/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Board of Behavioral Science Approved Law and Ethics Related to Telehealth

The delivery of telehealth services to system involved youth and families has greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now here to stay. Unfortunately, many service providers have not kept up with all legal, ethical, and clinical issues surrounding the use of telehealth. This class will examine confidentiality, record keeping and boundary controversies that arise with online services. This workshop will address therapist competency, working across state lines, expectations of privacy when working online, required informed consent, record keeping, and reputation protection. Literature updates, expert opinion, and relevant ethics codes will be discussed

9/13/2024 9:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 East Bay Agency for Children

Boundaries and Counter-Transference with System-Involved Youth

The training will take a developmental approach, focusing on the various emotional and physical boundaries that inevitably arise with working with system involved youth and children in foster care. This training will also utilize case vignettes and small group sharing to dig deep into the various counter-transference experiences we may face when working with system involved youth and children in foster care and how counter-transference may impact our information gathering efforts and strategies to support them. To register please email Tim Schulte @ [email protected]

9/19/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Side by Side (formerly Sunny Hills Services)

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/19/2024 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Boundaries and Good Practice for Youth Service Providers

The purpose of this training is to create a renewed and heightened awareness of boundary issues in work with foster youth. Having boundaries is not just a matter of being professional. Appropriate boundaries are a key ingredient in providing the children in our care with the highest quality of care, which often times requires us to build trusting and healing relationships with them. Frequently the relationships we build with clients can have ambiguous boundaries, making it important to develop an awareness of possible danger signs for boundary issues that might result in poor practice or which might be red flags for potential exploitation of clients.

9/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/10/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building and Sustaining Caregiving Resilience: Addressing Unintended Consequences and Enacting Self-Care

When caring for and supporting foster youth you can often face challenges of crises, placement instability, or system pressures. These can lead to quick decisions or unintended consequences for youth and families, especially when the needs and strengths of youth are not maintained as a guiding force. This training focuses on the importance of self-reflection, humility and self-care as a means of building capacity to deliver care for foster youth who experience trauma. Register Here

9/25/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Building Healthy Relationships with System Involved Youth

Developing healthy relationships with system-involved youth can be challenging given the patterns of trauma they may have experienced. This course will provide an overview of several strategies to establish and build healthy relationships with youth. The facilitator will also focus on the importance of healthy relationships with self as a foundation to establishing and building healthy relationships with youth.

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

9/11/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Coaching System Involved Youth to Develop Win/Win Attachments for Themselves

One of the most significant challenges of supporting system-involved youth (SIY) is helping them authentically represent their core gifts, passions, and strengths when interacting with others at home, school, and work. It can also be challenging to help SIY find, follow, and maintain healthy secure attachments with peers and/or adults that can help them to: be successful in relationships, academics, and career related activities; build networks of support; and avoid using drugs and compulsive behavior to self-medicate. To be successful relationship partners within their own families, peer groups, and professional relationships, SIY need to know how to broker win/win outcomes for their relationship transactions so they can minimize negative outcomes […]

9/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 0 First Place for Youth

Collaborations in Practice for Better Outcomes for System Involved Foster Youth

Foster youth are faced with complex systems of care all striving to address their complex needs. Teaming is a component of care that is both unifying and expansive through shifting to collective and collaborative approaches. This training gets to the heart of the purpose and benefits of team based care and zooms in on how to integrate teaming practices, such as Shared Decision Making and Relational Therapy techniques, to improve team dynamics and outcomes for foster youth. Register Here

9/27/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Collaborative and Culturally Responsive Case Planning for Professionals Working with Spanish-Speaking Families in Social Services and Foster Care *Presented in Spanish*

*This training will be presented in Spanish* Collaboration is highly valued in the service delivery field. It is highly important to collaborate with other professionals when providing services to family, but it is even more beneficial for families that we treat them as partners throughout this process and remain collaborative with them. Sometimes, in bilingual service delivery, families lose their voice and ability to advocate due to language barriers and bias, therefore, it is imperative that we work towards engaging in effective practices to maintain this partnership and empower the families we serve. In this workshop, participants will review effective case planning in bilingual service delivery. Participants will practice how […]

9/11/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 A Better Way, Inc.

Collaborative Assessment: Community Mental Health Providers who Support Foster Youth

This training describes the need for contextualized assessment in working with foster youth and community systems. The origin of psychological assessment at WestCoast Children’s Clinic required a unique framework for assessment that was different from a traditional model that originated in a standardization sample that did not reflect youth and families in the community. The assessment model in this training is characterized by: a historical and contextualized approach, transparency of the process, collaboration between provider and client, and therapeutic intervention. The history of psychological assessment in the last 35 years will be presented as crucial to working systemically. Register Here

9/11/2024 9:00 am – 10:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/10/2024 10:30 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This training will provide attendees with information about Awareness and Prevention on the topic of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in the US and local communities. Attendees will be provided with valuable tools and resources that empowers them to make a difference in the effort to eradicate exploitation of children.  Register Here

9/27/2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc