course »Fundamentals for Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Care – SUPERVISORS / MANAGEMENT STAFF ONLY

, 9:30 am—4:30 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Seneca Family of Agencies’ Unconditional PRIDE Project is recruiting caregivers of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex or Two Spirit (LGBTQI2-S) Children and Youth in Alameda County for a comprehensive training about better meeting the needs of these youth. The training will provide an introduction to these identities, the systemic oppression that members of these identities face, and discuss what YOU can do to support these youths more effectively.

The first module, Fundamentals for Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Care, is a training that will provide an overview of these themes and is a pre-requisite for subsequent modules. We ask that attendees of this training agree to attend at least one of the other 2-hour modules in the series (dates TBD):
  • Cissexism, Cisgenderism, & Sexism: Understanding the Needs of Transgender, Intersex, and Gender-Non-Conforming Youth in Care
  • Beyond the Ally Sticker: Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQI2S Youth in Care
  • Staying Healthy as a Helper: Recognizing, Overcoming, and Avoiding Vicarious Trauma When Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Care
  • Let’s Talk About Sex: Comprehensive Sexuality, Sexual Health, and Sex Education for All Youth
  • Heterosexism and Faith: Exploring the Unique Concerns and Possibilities of Supporting LGBTQI2S Youth in Faith Based Communities