, 9:00 am—5:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 7
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Come and learn the current scientific and social welfare realities of HIV/AIDS and other STI’s. Along with guest speakers from local AIDS agencies and Planned Parenthood, up to date research will be presented. This training will look at some of the stigma’s that surround AIDS and STI’s and how those thoughts and ideas affect our thinking and relationships and will allow attendees to move out of those old thoughts into the new realities that bring hope and healing. A historical framework around HIV/AIDs will be given, epidemiology, mental health, addictions, cultural competency, sexual orientation issues and more will be discussed. Come to a creative day filled with interactivity and movement to learn and heal some of the misinformation we carry about AIDS and STI’s. Communication skills around these delicate topics will be taught to add to your expertise. Lively discussions around foster youth and how to teach/guide them to protect themselves and Have a Plan Workbook will be distributed for your use with foster youth.