course »Promoting Adoption and Permanency

Date: 4/21/2016, 6:00 pm—9:00 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: eAlameda
Sponsor: Alternative Family Services (AFS)
Phone: (916) 254-5200
Presenter will discuss how finding a permanent family is the often the primary goal when children and youth enter out-of-home care, but they also may need to establish, re-establish, or strengthen meaningful connections with people who are not immediate members of their permanent families. Children and youth may wish to maintain contact with relatives, friends, or other supports that were part of their lives when residing with their birth families. Additionally, youth may be greatly assisted by creating and maintaining connections with caring adults as they potentially transition out of foster care and into independent living situations.

  • Review of the child welfare expectations regarding permanency standards.
  • Understand the importance of lifelong connection for foster youth and how the connections support stability.
  • Discuss various types of permanency plans for foster children; guardianship, adoption, Long-term placement, AB12.
  • Identifying ways that building Life-long connection could support a youth through transition and support their future.