course »Understanding Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Foster Youth: Collaborative Care Planning with Youth and Families

Date: 12/26/2024, 9:00 am—11:00 am
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
Collaborative care planning ensures that plans effectively describe the intended outcome of services with the specific objectives towards reaching goals, service approaches, and appropriate timeframes with the needs of youth and families as critical focus points. This training reviews practices in collaborative care planning and how the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) can be used to facilitate understanding of the goals of treatment for youth, families, and providers. Through participation in this training, youth and families are able to differentiate between plans that include their concerns and goals in language that is their own from plans that do not effectively involve them in plan development and providers are able to better understand the steps in collaborative care planning process that better involve youth and families.