course »Working with Traumatized Adults Within the Child Welfare System

Date: 7/22/2021, 9:15 am—4:45 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 6
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
Virtual Instructor Led Training

In this training trauma will be illustrated and addressed from the perspective of the neuro-physiological impact on adult social development, emotions and behavior. Participants will learn about the problems and the risks of normalizing behavior in traumatized clients. Participants will become familiar with the signs and symptoms of internal and external triggers experienced by our clients with specific interventions geared to creating inner calm and regulation in the stressed adult. We will define trauma, identify triggers, signs and symptoms, and recognize trauma driven behaviors.

The goals of the training are to help retrain options for thought patterns that will increase internal states of self -regulation and calm, and decrease overwhelming negative stress impacts and reactions concurrently for our clients and ourselves.