course »Trauma & Regulation: The Impact of Trauma on Development & Learning

Date: 11/15/2018, 9:00 am—11:00 am
County: Alameda County
Location: San Rafael
Sponsor: Catholic Charities / St. Vincent’s School for Boys
Although trauma has been recognized and grappled with in psychotherapeutic circles for nearly a century, the burgeoning field of neuroscience has brought increasing credibility to the relevance of our earliest years on our development and learning. What we didn’t know 30 years ago was that the early years (0-5) are extremely important in how our brains are wired, influencing our future capacities and experience of ourselves, others, and the world. The many functions of the brain do not work in isolation, and they are not simply defined by our “genes.” Rather, genes need environment to find their expression, and our body is the channel through which our brain health is organized, patterned and expressed. (Trainer: Jean-Paul Eberle)

Note: Class location is San Rafael