course »The Wounded Healer: Working Through Trauma to Inspire Change for Child Welfare Professionals

Date: 3/28/2019, 9:15 am—4:45 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: eBerkeley
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
The Wounded Healer will explore best practices for mental health professionals working with traumatized youth and families through lecture, large and small group discussion, creative exercises, handouts and film clips. Participants will define the Jungian Archetype of The Wounded Healer, (although not particularly focusing on Jungian psychoanalysis) in order to examine how self-learning can assist in working with some challenging cases. Questions will be explored including: How can personal wounds instruct without getting in the way of treatment? Do mental health fields encourage or discourage self discovery? What are healthy vs unhealthy boundaries when working with trauma?

Investigating how personal experience can inform the highest level of clinical relationships will be an important goal of the training (not to be confused with self disclosure). The Healing Self, Obstacles to Healing, Resonance with clients’ experiences will also be discussed.

Trauma-informed care through concentrating on self will be the focus of the day.

*Participants can utilize skills learned in the training to reinforce their learning by:
  1. Participants can continue to explore personal history
  2. Participants can continue to participate in healthy self care