course »The Role of Play In Child Well-Being & Healing from Trauma

Date: 9/20/2022, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
Training Summary: “With dramatic play, as with puppets and toy figures, children are engaged in physical activity that creates the opposite sensations and feelings to those of helplessness and immobility.” -Peter Levine and Maggie Kline, Trauma-Proofing Your Kids Play is the language of childhood. In this workshop we will explore the role of play in healthy child development and the role of play in healing from trauma.  We will look at the how play is affected by culture and cultural considerations, therapeutic factors of play, styles of play and developmental tasks that play supports. The workshop will also look at how play can be used to promote healing and growth. We will discuss how to engage parents, relative caregivers and foster parents in the healing work of play in the aftermath of trauma. Participants will be able to: -Name 3 aspects of culture and identity that can influence play. -Give 2 examples of how play can support a child in gaining a sense of mastery over a problem.