course »Ahimsa: Behavior Support Strategies for Providers of Youth in Care – Deepening Practice

Date: 1/25/2019, 10:00 am—12:00 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
This training is geared toward service providers working with youth in care. This training is separate from New Employee Orientation and will help providers deepen their practice. Some Seneca-specific policies and procedures may be discussed, although those outside of Seneca are welcome to attend.

Support Basics (Ch. 4 “Understanding Crisis: Strategies for Support” and Ch. 5 “Support Strategies by Category”): Explores the purpose of actively intervening with clients to help them meet preferred behaviors. Highlights four things to think about in any given situation before choosing how to intervene: your personal state, the desired outcome, the situation and environment, and which approach to use. Discusses several different categories of strategies to use with clients, such a counseling strategies, group strategies, and crisis strategies. Finally, closes with some tips for being successful. Objectives for participants are to examine actual situations of crisis and to identify strategies they would use, to participate in roleplays regarding various types of techniques, and to learn the different categories of support to use.

Counseling Strategies (Ch. 5 “Support Strategies by Category”): Goes further into depth about different ways to encourage clients to talk about what’s going on for them. Explores potential pitfalls for using these strategies and some tips for being successful. Provides time for practicing specific techniques. Objectives for participants are to understand client difficulties in self-expression and how to overcome them, to practice roleplays of various techniques, and to identify situations when counseling strategies might be helpful.

Interruption Strategies (Ch. 5 “Support Strategies by Category”): Goes further into depth about successful ways to interrupt disruptive behaviors. Discusses how to identify habitual or attention-seeking behaviors that can be interrupted versus behaviors that arise from anxiety or overwhelm. Provides time for practicing specific techniques. Objectives for participants are to understand the purpose of interrupting behaviors and using planned ignoring, to practice roleplays of various techniques, and to identify situations when interruption strategies might be helpful.

Motivational Strategies (Ch. 5 “Support Strategies by Category”): Goes further into depth about successful ways to motivate clients and keep them on-track. Invites participants to figure out what motivates them and apply that to understanding clients. Highlights the importance of individualizing motivators as much as possible to make them successful. Provides time for practicing specific techniques. Objectives for participants are to spend self-reflection time understanding their own motivators, to understand the different ways to provide motivation, and to practice roleplays of various techniques.